
Privacy Notice


Privacy Statement


At, we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect about you to process orders and to provide a more personalized shopping experience. Your personal information will never be, under any circumstances, released, sold, or rented to any third party. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination policies for the Web Site.


Order Forms


Our site uses an Order form, whereby customers may request information, and select and purchase products or services. We collect only specific information that is required to process the order submitted, and maintain personal contact with our customers. For example, we will retain in our files the Name, Address, Telephone Numbers, Email Address, and Shipping Information. It is not our intent to send our customers “unsolicited mailings”. You may unsubscribe at any time. Financial data provided by the customers is used only to complete the specified transaction. All personal financial information, including credit card numbers and expiration dates, are immediately deleted from our database. Your personal information will never be, under any circumstances, released, sold, or rented to any third party, Guaranteed!


Security sit uses a “Secure Socket Layer” (SSL) to protect all data provided by our customers. Only authorized personnel have access to this data for the sole purpose of processing purchase orders. We accept responsibility for your information while in our direct possession.




From time to time, we may initiate an on-line survey to gather specific information to better serve our customers. Be assured such information will always be used for the purpose intended.


External Links may feature certain links to other company sites, which we believe could be of interest to our clients. However, we cannot assume responsibility for the security or privacy practices of these third part sites.




We may use a third party advertising company to display ads on our site. These advertisements may contain cookies. While we use cookies in certain areas of our Web Site, the advertising company collects cookies obtained through banner ads. Our company does not have access to this information.


Contacting the Web Site


If you have any questions about the above “Privacy Statement” or the security that is used to protect your information and data, please e-mail

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